We had quite an adventure this weekend. After a terrible reaction to a nasty flu bug, I ended up in the hospital with contractions and a high fever. This baby still has 7 more weeks to cook, but apparently she thought now was a good time. We are home now and feeling much better. But, I thought now would be a good time to play a little game considering the details of our recent experience. I will provide as much information as possible about this baby and you will try to guess all the details of her birth.
So - my original due date is November 12, 2008. According to the ultrasound at 20 weeks, she was measuring due on November 9, 2008. After the ultrasound this weekend in the hospital, she is measuring about 2 weeks early from her original due date, which would be October 30th. They estimate her current weight at 5.5lbs, but there is about a 13oz. margin of error on ultrasound weight estimate. The ultrasound tech did say she has a 'nice size head' which doesn't sound comforting for the mother who has to birth her. I just keep saying, 'epidural, epidural, epidural.' They also said she just has some peach fuzz on her head, no actual hair to speak of.
C was born at around 5.5lbs a week early; I was born on time at just under 9lbs. C is 6'1" with dark curly hair and dark eyes and I am about 5'9" on a good day with blond straight hair and blue eyes. C was born with lots of hair and I was bald 'til age 3. That's why my mom pierced my ears when I was a baby, which I would like to do for our little girl, but C is opposed.
I am having contractions every time I get up or move around much at all, but nothing painful or consistent. But my hospital bag is packed and ready to go, just in case she decides to express her opinion once again and say, "okay, now!" (she is opinionated like her mother, I can tell already)
Okay, here are the things you need to guess:
Birth Date:
Weight: lbs/ozs
Height: inches
Hair Color, if any:
Hours in Labor: think optimistically
For the person who has the most accurate overall answers, there will be a special prize like a personalized drawing from me on "Paint" or something even more exciting. Maybe I'll write a special blog about how intelligent and insightful you are or maybe you'll just get to bring me dinner postpartum. We'll have to see, but take a guess and see what you come up with.
2 weeks ago
Hey girl :) I just came across your blog; its so fun and i love it :) We missed you on Sunday but are glad youre feeling better! I hope everything works out the way you hope it will. If you ever feel up to hanging out ( chillin would probably be best seeing as how youre almost going to be having a baby :) ) Paisley and I are pretty much ALWAYS available! I think youre the cutest and i will love you forever for helping wes and i find this apartment :) thank you thank you! as for my guesses for the little one...
October 31st
7 lbs 7 oz
20 in.
blonde curlies
1 hr. in labor! (seriously yay for epidurals though fo sho!)
(sorry this is like the longest post ever!)
Ok, having no experience in this category (not even nieces or nephews or little siblings)...here's a shot in the dark!
Birth Date: Nov 9
Weight: 7lbs 9oz
Height: 21 in
Hair color: blonde fuzz
Labor: 4 hours
Drugs: yes, please!
So excited for you!
I meant Nov 4 (election day)!
Birth Date: October 10
Weight: 7 lbs 8 oz
Height: 20.5 inches
Hair Color: Blonde peach fuzz
Labor: 8
p.s. do you need anything???
Birth Date Nov 4
Weight 7lbs 6oz
Height 21 inches
Hair color definately peach fuzz
labor: You will go fast Karen...um 3.5 hours!!!
Will you send me your email again.. I lost many of my contacts. Also, I just started my own blog... it is definately a work in progress.
Good luck to you!!
Hey I found your blog, I have never really gotten a chance to talk to ya much, but I am sure we will have plenty of time to do that! Anyways- here is my guess:
October 20th
6 lb 12 oz
19 inches
peach fuzz
labor 3 hours
Please if you need anything let me know, I am home all day, everyday!
Late I know...but
Date: Oct. 20th
Weight: 7 lb. 3 oz.
Height: 21 in.
Hair: Lots! Dark!
Labor: let's be nice and say 2-3 :)
I will be right!!! :)
Thhanks for a great read
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