So I needed to post a few new pictures of Sara and thought I would also use this opportunity to tell you about the crazy things C has been doing in his sleep lately. He's always been kind of a crazy sleeper, but lately - it's been especially interesting.
For example, the other night I woke up to him sorting the laundry in our bedroom. The next day, he didn't remember a thing about it. Also, he has been rocking his pillow to sleep in the middle of the night. Strange, yes, I know. But the best was Thursday night. He often says random things in his sleep and I just ignore them, but this was too good. He said to me, "When she's big enough (talking about Sara) we need to enroll her in Jedi training camp." No, I am not making this up. When I asked him about it in the morning he said, "I don't even like Star Wars". But apparently, our kid needs Jedi training camp.
Here are a few recent pictures of our little treasure girl: