The Summer of 2013 has been the summer of many things. It's been a summer of traveling to Utah, Oregon, and California. A summer of swimming at the pool, a summer of baking cookies in the car (yes, Cameron actually did this), a summer of spending time with family and friends, a summer of dance, a summer of fun and a summer of loss - for friends and family.
As I reflect back on the memories of this summer, it's been an emotional one. There are a lot of things that have happened that have caused me to reflect on what's really important, why I'm here, what my purpose is a wife, mother, daughter, child of God. I've thought a lot of about how to express and how much to share about the last few months. I'll do my best.
Some of you may know that earlier this year I was diagnosed with PCOS (Polytheistic Ovarian Syndrome) I do not have cysts on my ovaries, although that is common with this disease. I started noticing shortly after Sara was born that something felt different with my body. Some women with this disease suffer agonizing pain, physical deformations, and other extreme symptoms. I am fortunate to have had small physical changes. One of those changes is alopecia, in which my hair comes out in large clumps at a time. Another one of those physical effects has been my inability to stay pregnant. In the last 3 years, we have experienced the loss of 3 embryos. Although it's been hard to accept, I know that those little bodies were not ready to come to Earth and that Heavenly Father's plan is much bigger than ours. We may not be able to have another baby and if we do, that will be amazing and we will love him/her as much as we love our treasure girl, Sara. And if we don't, that is okay too.
It's taken me a long time to say that is okay too. Because I really believe it is. And I'm not sure why this has happened or what we need to learn from this, but what I do know is that we have one amazing little girl who lights up our life. She brings more joy than I could ever imagine. I call her my treasure girl, because she is that. And I treasure every moment of every day with her.
Early in the summer we went to visit my parents in Utah. While we were there, my dad was called as a Stake Patriarch for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. With this calling comes great responsibility, But my dad is the most wise, humble, and Christlike man I know and he will do all he can to fulfill his duties and more.
My parents also announced that they received a call to serve as the MTC President of the Madrid, Spain Missionary Training Center. My dad will serve as President of the MTC and my mom will be the Relief Society President - the women's organization of the church. This is a most perfect calling for them both. My parents are passionate about missionary work and serving our Heavenly Father. I have had friends say, "Aren't you disappointed they're going to be leaving again?" No. Not even a little. I will miss them, yes, but I am so grateful they will have this opportunity to serve. Even more so, I am so excited for the hundreds of young men and young women from all over the world that will have the chance to meet them, be with them, learn from them, feel their Spirit, and feel the love of our Heavenly Father through their love.
After our visit to Utah, we received word that Cameron's Grandpa Bunt passed away. We traveled up to Oregon to be a part of his services. It was great to be there and I am glad Cameron had a chance to spend that time with his family that we don't see often. The services were sweet and it was great to share that time with Sara, as well.
We then traveled to San Francisco and spent a few days before heading down to Santa Barbara to see my dear Aunt Alisa. She is so much fun and we had a great time visiting the beach, eating yummy food, totally taking over her cute little bungalow apartment, and exploring SB.
Following our month of travel, we stayed close to home and spent time at the pool and with friends. Although I don't necessarily feel my feet firmly rooted here in Mesa, we have made some of the dearest friends. We are so lucky to have an amazing ward family, dear neighbors, and sweet friends. Sara loves to play with the girls all around us and is so lucky to have friends from such wonderful families.
Some other friends of our have experienced other great losses these past few months, as well. My heart breaks for them. It aches for them to feel peace and comfort, but I know they will in due time. I am so grateful to know of a God who loves us, each individually and as a whole. I truly believe that He wants us to be happy. He blesses us with people in our lives and experiences to teach us about this incredible love. I know He lives.
As we come to an end of this amazing summer and I reflect on the life lessons I learn every day, I am happy to be a mom to an amazing girl, wife to a good man, and the daughter of righteous parents. I am happy to be me.
2 weeks ago