This past week, C and I traveled to Heber City, Utah to spend some time with my family. My parents will be leaving in less than 2 weeks on a 3 year adventure to Southern Chile. My father will be serving as Mission President for our church, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. My mother will be his constant companion and no doubt, bring some excitement to the missionary work. We are so happy and excited for them to be doing the Lord's work and for setting such great examples for us of humility and sacrifice. We are so grateful for them.
While we were in Utah, we were able to be present when my parents were set apart by Elder L. Tom Perry of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles and Elder Lawrence E. Corbridge, member of the First Quorum of Seventy and a new member of the Chile Area Presidency.
This is a picture of my family along with Elder Perry and Elder Corbridge.

Here are my parents with my nieces: Emmy, Katie, and Alison (at Temple Square in SLC)

This is my brother Aaron and his wife, Annika with their 2 girls: Emmy and Alison

Of course, here is C and I in our own picture at Temple Square with the baby bump

And then my sister Darin with her husband, Mike and little Katie with another little girl coming next month

It really was a wonderful weekend and I am so grateful we had that time to spend together as a family. We are planning a trip to Chile possibly next December and are looking forward to it already.