Sunday, March 28, 2010

Sara's Sundays

This is a pretty typical Sunday at our house. I can usually get a pretty good idea of how things are going to be at church by how things are going at home. Today was no exception. Here is just a little of what Miss Sara had in store for us today:

Getting in to everything we're not supposed to get in to...

Uh, oh. Sleepy already!

"No, I'm not sitting still for a picture or for church!"

"Let's dance by flailing our arms about to every song we sing." (the dancing I actually LOVE and it entertains the sleepers around us)

And don't I look so pretty too!!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Sara's Collage of Fun

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A Work in Progress

Like most things in my life, I am a "work in progress". I am currently refinishing our dining room table and so far it looks amazing! I can't wait until it's finished and I will post pictures to show you all. Our house is great and I just love it, but it is certainly is also a "work in progress". Not as far as the house itself goes, but what's on the inside. We have furniture we are storing for some friends, the couches we bought before we got married, our new bed, a few dressers I bought on craigslist, this table I am working on we inherited from C's family, Sara's crib that was so generously donated to us by a friend from Oklahoma.... and that's about it. Furniture can be so fun and I love looking at it, but it's very expensive. We haven't been in a position to just go out and buy enough to fill up our house, but every now 'n then I come across something that I just love and put on my "someday I need to buy that" list. So... this is what I found today:I know it looks a little bright, but it would look perfect in our formal living room with the couch that is also on my "someday I need to buy that" list along with our dining room table that is currently a "work in progress".

Friday, March 19, 2010

Our New Bed

C and I recently bought a new mattress and we are LOVING it. Of course, with buying a new mattress came new bedding. We found the bedding set online, but I wanted to make some fun pillows to add a little COLOR. I've always loved the fabrics used in Anthropolgie bedding, but it is so expensive. I found some table napkins at the local store and used them to make my pillows - a must more cost effective way of decorating. I used extra fabric I had left over from another project for the backs of the pillows and another small throw pillow.

"Ta Da"

Here is the finished product:

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Beautiful Sunny Days!

We have really loved the past few months in Arizona. Sara loves to play outside, collect rocks, swing at the park, go down the slide and put her feet in the pool. I can't tell you how nice it is to be able to spend every day outside. Of course, that will all change come July... but for now, we are loving it! Here are some recent pictures of Sara (now 17 months old) doing her favorite things:

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