Wednesday, December 29, 2010

To a New Year...

We are just days away from celebrating the close to 2010 and welcome to 2011. This is a great time to set New Years Resolutions. Personally, New Years is a really over rated holiday. Maybe it has something to do with not being able to stay awake past 10:30pm and not drinking alcohol. But, I do like to set resolutions. It is a great time for me to prioritize my life and decide how I want things to be different in the New Year. And since I'm posting my resolutions on my blog, you're all going to hold me accountable right?

My New Years Resolutions for 2011:
1) Really utilize my gym membership by going at least 4 times per week
2) Shop wisely using coupons and price matching and STICK TO MY BUDGET
3) Spend more time at home giving Sara the time to develop her imagination
4) Read as often as I can, especially my scriptures!!
5) Watch less TV

Okay, let's start with those. I'm sure there are many more things I need to be doing better, but I don't want to overwhelm myself. What are your New Years Resolutions for 2011?

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas 2010

(Please excuse my greasy face and bed head - it was Christmas morning!)

Monday, December 20, 2010

Project Runway CopyCat

So this year, I was absolutely in love with Mondo's everything on Project Runway. So much so, that I decided to copy his look for the Jackie O challenge. This is my copy of Mondo's design. The striped black shirt is actually a skirt (hence the cardigan). And I apologize for cutting my head off. I was trying to take these pictures myself and I set the camera on the table. But you get the idea.
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Friday, December 10, 2010

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

I'm Turning 30

Tomorrow, I am turning 30. I know it's not really a big deal, but I guess I am a little bit sad to leave my 20s. I have had some of my best years in my 20s and I'm hoping for even better ones in my 30s. Looking back, I thought of 29 things I did in my 29th year. Here it is in no particular order:

1) Joined a gym
2) Survived another year of Girls Camp
3) Made new friends
4) Tasted guacamole (didn't like it)
5) Refinished our dining room table
6) Broke 3 cell phones (technically Sara did, but it was my fault for letting her play w/ it)
7) Went home to Tulsa and loved it!
8) Started a new blog
9) Bought designer jeans (at a fraction of the regular price, but still way too expensive)
10) Lost a baby
11) Played on a volleyball team
12) Watched way, way too much reality TV
13) Read some incredible books
14) Hosted a really fun GNO
15) Sewed a new skirt for myself
16) Had surgery
17) Spent many many hours at the park with my treasure girl, Sara
18) Got my eye brows waxed (yes, my first time ever)
19) Missed my Mom and Dad in Chile
20) Fell off the step in Body Step at the gym
21) Had 2 black toenails, one of which had to be removed
22) Painted the bathroom
23) Let Cameron watch a ridiculous amount of football
24) Shopped at thrift stores - and got some really cool stuff
25) Made lots of yummy cookies and ate many of them
26) Drove to Utah with my cousin
27) Finally found something to clear up my skin
28) Danced to the "Single Ladies" video countless time with Sara
29) Started working on my family history

There are many things I'm looking forward to in the next year. So here's to the last day in my 20s. Cheers!

Saturday, November 20, 2010

The Zoo

We took Sara to the zoo today. Here are a few of our favorite moments:

Thursday, November 4, 2010

October 2010

Hope everyone had a great October. Ours was full of fun. Hard to believe it's almost Thanksgiving. This year has flown by. Here are some highlights from October:

Even though we left Nebraska, we still managed to find some corn stalks. We took Sara to the Pumpkin Patch and she had a great time!

I don't get Sara to sit still and take a picture with me very often, so here is one I actually got with her looking at the camera!

My cousin just moved to a town a few hours North of Mesa. Sara and I went to visit for a weekend. She had a blast playing with her triplet cousins!

My sister, Darin, had baby #3. Finally a boy in the family. Sara and I went to Tulsa to visit them for a few days. The girls had so much fun playing and being silly together.

Sara was very curious about her baby cousin, Will

Happy Halloween! Sara was a Chilean Princess. Thanks, Nana for sending the beautiful dress from Chile. She looked so beautiful and grown up. And of course she LOVED the trunk-or-treat and all the candy.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

2 years later

It was almost exactly 2 years ago that I sat down and wrote a letter to my unborn baby girl. Little did I know she would arrive the very next day. I was so nervous and excited awaiting her arrival. Of course, the last 2 years has been nothing but bliss with my treasure girl. ;) She is turning 2 tomorrow. Sometimes it seems like I've had her forever and my time as a career girl was in a different life. Other days, it feels like she just arrived and I still have no idea what I'm doing (Okay, so I feel this way a lot more often). But whatever it is, the last 2 years has been an adventure to say the least.

To my sweet Sara,

I love the way you smile and laugh.
I love that you wish everything were pink or yellow.
I love the way you say 'dangerous' and 'princess'.
I love that you repeat everything I say and that you are learning new words every day.
I love that you were patient with me when you had colic and ear infections, and then RSV and didn't sleep through the night until you were 15 months old.
I love that you reminded me with your sweet screaming cry that you were hungry, or tired, or hot, or cold. And that you wouldn't sleep unless I was holding you for the first 6 weeks of your life.
I love that you prefer to throw your food on the floor instead of putting it in your mouth or think the vacuum is a toy when I seem to be 'playing' with it daily.
I love that you ask me for hugs and kisses and say you "love Momma little" even though I know you mean BIG.
I love that you want to do everything by yourself even if it makes us late everywhere we go.
I love that you like candy and say "treat" to me with the most innocent expression at least 10 times a day.
I love that you are friendly, but cautious.
I love the way you like to swing and go on walks and kick the ball.
I love that you remember Target is where you bumped your nose and Wal-Mart is where you get a cookie.
I love that you ask me for gum and then say, "chew" as you swallow it.
I love that you know me by name, by sight, by sound, and by smell.
I love that you want me to love you and be with you forever.
I love being your Mommy and couldn't imagine a life without you in it.
I love that you refer to your Nike's as "high tops" and sandals as "fip fops".
I love that you like to "go go go" run errands with me, go to the gym with me, and ride the carousel with me.
I love that you want to sing songs all day and the way you make your 'diamond in the sky'.
I love everything there is to love about you and even the things that aren't so easy to love because they are you.

Thanks for choosing to be my treasure girl and for never giving up on me just like I'll never give up on you.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Friday, October 1, 2010

What's for Dinner?

Sometimes I get in to a routine of cooking the same 5 or 6 things over and over again. I put together a list of things I can make in less than 30 minutes with ingredients I usually have or just need 1 or 2 things for. So I am sharing my list with you.

Please feel free to respond with dishes of your own that you regularly fix for your family. Also, one thing that really helped me was to put together what ingredients I would need for each meal. That way, when I'm making my grocery list, I can make sure I get what I need. It has really helped to plan a menu for about 10 days and shop accordingly. I do buy produce or things like milk and bread more often, but that way, I only have 2 major shopping trips a month.

It's definitely cutting back the food expenses and helping me be a little more organized. So, here is the list:

4 Way (Chili, Pasta Noodles, Cheese, and Pineapple)

Baked Ziti

BBQ Chicken

Beans and Rice


Chicken Chili

Chicken Noodle Soup

Chicken Salad Sandwiches

Chicken, Rice, Brocolli Casserole


Cranberry Chicken


Hawaiian Haystacks

Hearty Salad


Macaroni and Cheese




Pork Chops

Pot Roast

Shepherd’s Pie

Sloppy Joes



Stir Fry

Sweet Pulled Pork

Taco Soup


Saturday, September 11, 2010

Growing Up So Fast

This is Sara a few weeks ago in a dress from her Great Grandma. She is looking more and more like a little girl every day!
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Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

We miss you!

To Nana and Papa in Chile:

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Happy 80th Birthday

Earlier this year, C and I took Sara to California to celebrate C's Grandfather's 80th birthday. We had a great time. Here are a few pictures from the trip:

Thursday, June 3, 2010

New Blog

I started my new blog today... Quiet Sold Separately
(Thanks Aaron for your input on the name). I'll answer my first question tomorrow. See ya then!

Beautiful Sara

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Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Calling all moms...

Okay, so I've been thinking for the last several weeks about starting a new blog dedicated to the simple, every day questions that new moms have like... will my baby ever sleep through the night and pacifiers: yes or no. What do you guys think? I know there are a million mom blogs and web-sites out there, but it seems hard to find answers to the simplest questions, or maybe even the not so simple ones. Let me know what you guys think and if you'd be on board. If there is anyone interested in becoming a contributor, let me know!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010


C and I just celebrated our 6 year anniversary. I can't believe it's gone by so quickly. Then again, there are those days when it seems like it's been forever... ;)

We decided to take a quick trip to Las Vegas and stayed with our friends, the Fultons. Thanks so much Adam and Ady for letting us crash at your awesome new house! It was so fun to see you guys and meet little Jack.

Here are some pictures from our trip...

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Sunday, May 16, 2010